Supporting our Local Tracks in this Time of Uncertainty – DTD Exclusive


I’m sure most of us are tired of hearing about Covid-19 and the cancellation of just about everything.  Whether its racing or having an outing at your local restaurant or going to a music event or hockey game, its all been put on hold.

2020 was going to be a special celebratory season for some, like Five Mile Point Speedway’s celebration of 70 years of operation. Autodrome Drummond will also celebrate 70 years, while Penn Can Speedway is set to open its 65th season of operations, but regardless of their historic millstones for all tracks, opening day is a special event.

Yes, racing is on hold for now, but this is the perfect opportunity to help your local racetrack in whatever way possible.

We are all feeling the pinch of life being put on hold and many will have a hard time in the days to come making ends meets, but so will some of the small family-run track dotted across the countryside here in the Northeast.

So how can we help? You can get involved as a volunteer. There are lots of volunteering opportunities out there and supporting local tracks and becoming a volunteer is a great way to help.

You may have trade skills or bookkeeping skills in which you could help out in many ways that could lessen the financial burden which has hit all track hard in recent times.

You maybe be able to donate needed materials or heavy equipment services, which is always welcome to any track.

For the close nit racing world our local tracks are an important part of our lives, its what all who are involved work so hard for during the week for and then head of to there local track for some weekend racing, some good food and drink and of course the camaraderie.

For racing communities, which are always under pressure because of a multitude of reasons in recent years, it could be because of the noise or traffic issues during race nights, for years now many small family-run tracks have fought tooth and nail to stay open. Yes, it is a business, but racing for the owner is also their passion in life.

For the racing community it’s defiantly a trying time and for all the small local tracks who are in need now is the time to step up and give, in whichever way you can.

This may be our defining moment and if we all don’t help out in some way we may lose our beloved local dirt track forever, so reach out and if you can try and help in any way, it just might save your local track